Sunday, January 25, 2009

odd thoughts

This semester has been nothing of what I expected it to be. But I am having the time of my life. School probably hasn't been the highest priority (ha! I'm supposed to be writing two papers right now for systematic theology). But I'm getting to do more than I thought. I've spent much time with my brother, my sister, and my friends, and far too much money. I'm reforming now though. I promise.

You would think that Christians would expect God to answer their questions and requests more, considering what we believe about this God we love. Yet I'm always a little surprised when this happens. Like my cousin and I were talking about this one issue, and then the next day I read something in C.S. Lewis that eased some of the confusion. And then I was talking with a girl on my floor about some struggles we were having. The next night our professor spoke straight to those struggles. He is truly a God abundant with lovingkindness. Then there are little moments of grace. Just now I was falling asleep here at Houghton desk and I thought: "Wouldn't it be nice if I had 55 cents to buy a bag of chips?" I realized I could look in the couches for spare change...and I found 60 cents. Thank the Lord!

Homesickness is setting in much sooner than in past years. Its funny, here I am planning on living overseas for a lot of my life, and I can barely take four months apart from my family. Weak spirit. I love my family a lot. A lot. A lot.

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