Saturday, February 23, 2008

sleeplessness leads to:

- loss of direction (literally, I have wandered around more in the past few weeks, lost in my city)
- the tendency to laugh (at everything)
- the tendency to cry...
- a racing pulse (this one scares me)
- a need to be busy.

I really like my job, and everything that fills my life. But sometimes I am very tired. like now.

So, last Sunday, ha!, I went down the stairs of the train station to board the train to my sister's house. There was this little hand written sign that said there where no north-bound trains. I stared at that sign, wondering what it meant. What direction was my sister's house from where I was? I decided that I needed to go to a different station. Once at the top of the stairs I realized that my sister's house was indeed south of where I was and this station would work just fine. Down the stairs I went again. This time I put my faircard in the slot and walked through the gate. Then I got confused again, was I really going the right way? I decided I was not. Out I went again. I was halfway down the street when I realized that I should have gotten on the train after all. I knew that I was in a confused enough state that I would never make up my mind. I called my roommate. She laughed at me and told me my sister's house was to the south. I walked back to the station and got on the train. How silly am I? I think I need more sleep.

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